Vocabulary In Language Teaching (cambridge Language Education) de Norbert Schmitt pela Cambridge University Press (2000)

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Vocabulary In Language Teaching (cambridge Language Education)

Norbert Schmitt
Cambridge University Press (2000, 1ª edição)

0521669383, 9780521669382
This text offers a comprehensive introduction to vocabulary for language teachers who would like to know more about the way vocabulary works. It provides the background knowledge necessary for practitioners to make informed choices about vocabulary teaching and testing. The overall theme is making research and theory accessible, and then drawing on it to suggest effective classroom applications. Chapters 1 and 2 provide linguistic and historical background. Chapters 3-7 describe the various kinds of knowledge a person can have about a word, how vocabulary behaves in context, and how it is acquired. Chapters 8 and 9 focus on issues in teaching and testing vocabulary. The chapters include teaching applications, exercises, and suggestions for further reading. The appendices include a word list of academic vocabulary and a vocabulary test.
15 x 22 x 1 cm³
Capa mole
Outros Assuntos
395 gramas
Outros exemplares com ISBN 0521669383
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Outros livros editados por Cambridge University Press
Outros livros a R$ 39,00

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** parcelamento no cartão de crédito com juros de 2,99% a.m.
*** este vendedor oferece frete grátis a partir de R$ 199,00 em livros
Sebo Espaço Alternativo

Curitiba, PR

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Livreiro desde 26/3/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 199,00

3.732 livros cadastrados