The English Roses - 5 de Madonna pela Puffin (2008)

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The Book is on the Table

Rio de Janeiro/RJ

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Livreiro desde 6/1/2025

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1.512 livros cadastrados


The English Roses - 5

Puffin (2008, 1ª edição)

Livro em bom estado. Dorso levemente amarelado pelo tempo. ///// Capa dura. Amy’s convinced that her life as she knows it will be over after the arrival of her new baby sister. When pregnancy forces her mother to cancel their long-planned trip to Milan, she feels that things couldn’t possibly be worse…until the English Roses have to take Charlotte’s younger brother to the circus! Patrick is the brattiest of all brats and his tantrums make Amy glummer than ever at the thought of having a younger sibling. But when she visits her mother in the hospital and holds the baby for the first time, Amy realizes she can’t wait to be a big sister after all!
15 x 22 x 2 cm³
Infanto Juvenis
225 gramas
Outros exemplares de The English Roses - 5
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* valor de frete válido para todo o território nacional
** este vendedor oferece 5% de desconto no pix
*** também frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00 em livros
The Book is on the Table

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Entre em contato com o vendedor

Livreiro desde 6/1/2025

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00

1.512 livros cadastrados