Digital People: From Bionic Humans To Androids de Sidney Perkowitz pela Joseph Henry Press (2004)

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Digital People: From Bionic Humans To Androids

Sidney Perkowitz
Joseph Henry Press (2004, 1ª edição)

0309096197, 9780309096195
Robots, androids, and bionic people pervade popular culture, from classics like Frankenstein and R.U.R. to modern tales such as The Six Million Dollar Man, The Terminator, and A.I. Our fascination is obvious ? and the technology is quickly moving from books and films to real life.In a lab at MIT, scientists and technicians have created an artificial being named COG. To watch COG interact with the environment ? to recognize that this machine has actual body language ? is to experience a hair-raising, gut-level reaction. Because just as we connect to artificial people in fiction, the merest hint of human-like action or appearance invariably engages us.Digital People examines the ways in which technology is inexorably driving us to a new and different level of humanity. As scientists draw on nanotechnology, molecular biology, artificial intelligence, and materials science, they are learning how to create beings that move, think, and look like people. Others are routinely using sophisticat
15 x 22 x 1 cm³
Capa mole
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308 gramas
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*** também frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00 em livros
Sebo nas Canelas Bh

Belo Horizonte, MG

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Livreiro desde 22/11/2024

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7.151 livros cadastrados