No Enchanted Palace: The End Of Empire And The Ideological Origins Of The United Nations (the Lawrence Stone Lectures, 4) de Mark M. Mazower pela Princeton University Press (2009)

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No Enchanted Palace: The End Of Empire And The Ideological Origins Of The United Nations (the Lawrence Stone Lectures, 4)

Mark M. Mazower
Princeton University Press (2009, 1ª edição)

0691157952, 9780691157955
A groundbreaking interpretation of the intellectual origins of the United NationsNo Enchanted Palace traces the origins and early development of the United Nations, one of the most influential yet perhaps least understood organizations active in the world today. Acclaimed historian Mark Mazower forces us to set aside the popular myth that the UN miraculously rose from the ashes of World War II as the guardian of a new and peaceful global order, offering instead a strikingly original interpretation of the UN’s ideological roots, early history, and changing role in world affairs.Mazower brings the founding of the UN brilliantly to life. He shows how the UN’s creators envisioned a world organization that would protect the interests of empire, yet how this imperial vision was decisively reshaped by the postwar reaffirmation of national sovereignty and the unanticipated rise of India and other former colonial powers. This is a story told through the clash of personalities, such as South Afr
14 x 22 x 2 cm³
Capa mole
Ciência Política
350 gramas
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*** também frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00 em livros
Livraria Virtual Zaratustra

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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Livreiro desde 30/1/2025

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