The Presence Of The Past: Morphic Resonance And The Memory Of Nature de Rupert Sheldrake pela Park Street Press (2012)

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The Presence Of The Past: Morphic Resonance And The Memory Of Nature

Rupert Sheldrake
Park Street Press (2012, 1ª edição)

1594774617, 9781594774614
Explains how self-organizing systems, from crystals to human societies, share collective memories that influence their form and behavior¿ Includes new evidence and research in support of the theory of morphic resonance¿ Explores the major role that morphic resonance plays not just in animal instincts and cultural inheritance but also in the larger process of evolution¿ Shows that nature is not ruled by fixed laws but by habits and collective memoriesIn this fully revised and updated edition of The Presence of the Past, Cambridge biologist Rupert Sheldrake lays out new evidence and research in support of his controversial theory of morphic resonance and explores its far-reaching implications in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, and sociology.His theory proposes that all self-organizing systems, from crystals to human society, inherit a collective memory that influences their form and behavior. This collective memory works through morphic fields, which organize the b
15 x 23 x 3 cm³
Capa mole
Outros Assuntos
700 gramas
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Livraria Virtual Zaratustra

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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