Generation To Generation: Family Process In Church And Synagogue (the Guilford Family Therapy Series) de Edwin H. Friedman pela The Guilford Press (2011)

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Generation To Generation: Family Process In Church And Synagogue (the Guilford Family Therapy Series)

Edwin H. Friedman
The Guilford Press (2011, 1ª edição)

1609182367, 9781609182366
This acclaimed, influential work applies the concepts of systemic family therapy to the emotional life of congregations. Edwin H. Friedman shows how the same understanding of family process that can aid clergy in their pastoral role also has important ramifications for negotiating congregational dynamics and functioning as an effective leader. Clergy from diverse denominations, as well as family therapists and counselors, have found that this book directly addresses the dilemmas and crises they encounter daily. It is widely used as a text in courses on family systems and pastoral care. Bom estado.
15 x 23 x 2 cm³
Capa mole
500 gramas
Outros exemplares com ISBN 1609182367
Outros exemplares de Generation To Generation: Family Process In Church And Synagogue (the Guilford Family Therapy Series)
Outros livros de Edwin H. Friedman
Outros livros editados por The Guilford Press
Outros livros a R$ 180,00

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** este vendedor oferece 5% de desconto no pix
*** também frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00 em livros
Livraria Virtual Zaratustra

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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Livreiro desde 30/1/2025

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