Becoming America: The Revolution Before 1776 de Jon Butler pela Harvard University Press (2001)

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Becoming America: The Revolution Before 1776

Jon Butler
Harvard University Press (2001, 1ª edição)
Usado - Bom

0674006674, 9780674006676
Winner of the John G. Cawelti Award, Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association¿We must congratulate Butler for [bringing] under control [a] profusion of scholarship and [making] sense of it in fewer than 250 pages. His book is a tour de force¿Compelling and readable.¿¿Gordon S. Wood, New Republic¿Americans today think of the colonial period, if at all, as a time remote from modern America, in which society was unimaginably different from ours. Butler argues persuasively that America during the late colonial period¿displayed distinctive traits of modern America, among them vigorous religious pluralism, bewildering ethnic diversity, tremendous inequalities of wealth, and a materialistic society with pervasively commercial values.¿¿Kirkus ReviewsMultinational, profit-driven, materialistic, power-hungry, religiously plural: America today¿and three hundred years ago. Jon Butler¿s panoramic view of the mainland American colonies after 1680 transforms our customary picture
15 x 23 x 2 cm³
Capa mole
História Geral
522 gramas
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Das Raízes aos Frutos

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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Livreiro desde 2/6/2022

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