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Ame Livros Marcela


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Livreiro desde 6/11/2024

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00

204 livros cadastrados


Gels Handbook: Fundamentals, Properties, Applications in 3 Volumes

Demirci Utkan Et Al

9814656100, 9789814656108
Livros novos. REFM124 Hydrogels are made from a three-dimensional network of cross linked hydrophilic polymers or colloidal particles that contain a large fraction of water. In recent years, hydrogels have attracted significant attention for a variety of applications in biology and medicine. This has resulted in significant advances in the design and engineering of hydrogels to meet the needs of these applications. This handbook explores significant development of hydrogels from characterization and applications. Volume 1 covers state-of-art knowledge and techniques of fundamental aspects of hydrogel physics and chemistry with an eye on bioengineering applications. Volume 2 explores the use of hydrogels in the interdisciplinary field of tissue engineering. Lastly volume 3 focuses on two important aspects of hydrogels, that is, drug delivery and biosensing. Contains 50 colour pages.
17 x 25 x 6 cm³
Capa dura
Outros Assuntos
3200 gramas
Outros exemplares com ISBN 9814656100
Outros exemplares de Gels Handbook: Fundamentals, Properties, Applications in 3 Volumes
Outros livros de Demirci Utkan Et Al
Outros livros editados por World Scientific Publishing Company
Outros livros a R$ 1.600,00

* valor de frete válido para todo o território nacional
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*** também frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00 em livros
Ame Livros Marcela

Guarulhos, SP

Entre em contato com o vendedor

Livreiro desde 6/11/2024

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00

204 livros cadastrados