O Yoga De Jesus (the Yoga Of Jesus) (portuguese Version) de Paramahansa Yogananda pela Self-realization Fellowship (2010)

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Das Raízes aos Frutos

Rio de Janeiro/RJ

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Livreiro desde 2/6/2022

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6.166 livros cadastrados


O Yoga De Jesus (the Yoga Of Jesus) (portuguese Version)

Paramahansa Yogananda
Self-realization Fellowship (2010, 1ª edição)
Usado - Bom

0876123779, 9780876123775
Product DescriptionIn this remarkable book, Paramahansa Yogananda reveals the hidden yoga of the Gospels and confirms that Jesus, like the ancient sages and masters of the East, not only knew yoga but taught this universal science of God-realization to his closest disciples. Compiled from the author’s highly praised two-volume work, The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You, this insightful and compact book transcends the centuries of dogma and misunderstanding that have obscured the original teachings of Jesus, showing that he taught a unifying path by which seekers of all faiths can enter the kingdom of God.Topics include: * The lost years of Jesus in India * The ancient science of meditation: how to become a Christ * The true meaning of baptism * How the principles and methods of yoga parallel the teachings of the greatest Christian saints and mysticsAbout the AuthorHailed as the
16 x 2 x 23 cm³
Capa mole
500 gramas
Outros exemplares com ISBN 0876123779
Outros exemplares de O Yoga De Jesus (the Yoga Of Jesus) (portuguese Version)
Outros livros de Paramahansa Yogananda
Outros livros editados por Self-realization Fellowship
Outros livros a R$ 48,00

* valor de frete válido para todo o território nacional
** este vendedor oferece 5% de desconto no pix
*** também frete grátis a partir de R$ 300,00 em livros
Das Raízes aos Frutos

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Entre em contato com o vendedor

Livreiro desde 2/6/2022

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 300,00

6.166 livros cadastrados