The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence For An Intelligent Design de J. P. Moreland pela Intervarsity Pres (1993)

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Livreiro desde 8/5/2019

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7.153 livros cadastrados


The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence For An Intelligent Design

J. P. Moreland
Intervarsity Pres (1993, 1ª edição)

0830816984, 9780830816989
Frete Grátis. Ciências - Capa brochura e páginas em ótimo estado. Is there evidence from natural science for an intelligent creator of the universe? For a century the reigning scientific view has been that God is not necessary to account for the existence of the world and of life. Evolutionary theory is said to be all that is needed to explain how we got here. In addition, many theistic evolutionists contend that God likely used many of the mechanisms of evolution to achieve his will. In this book J. P. Moreland and a panel of scholars assert that there is actually substantial evidence pointing in a different direction. First, they consider philosophical arguments about whether it is possible for us to know if an intelligent designer had a hand in creation.
15 x 22 x 2 cm³
Ciências Exatas
420 gramas
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*** este vendedor oferece frete grátis a partir de R$ 145,00 em livros
Sebo Chama de Uma Vela

São Paulo, SP

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Livreiro desde 8/5/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 145,00

7.153 livros cadastrados