The Refrigeratior and the Universe de Inge F Goldstein/martin Goldstein pela Harvard University P (1995)

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Livreiro desde 8/5/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 145,00

7.153 livros cadastrados


The Refrigeratior and the Universe

Inge F Goldstein/martin Goldstein
Harvard University P (1995, 1ª edição)

0674753259, 9780674753259
Frete Grátis. Ciências /Física - Capa brochura e páginas em ótimo estado. Com Alguns pequenos grifos a lápis. C. P. Snow once remarked that not knowing the second law of thermodynamics is like never having read Shakespeare. Yet, while many people grasp the first law of energy, "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed" few recognize the second, "Entropy can only increase" What is entropy anyway, and why must it increase? Whether we want to know how a device as simple as a refrigerator works or understand the fate of the universe, we must start with the concepts of energy and entropy. In The Refrigerator and the Universe, Martin and Inge Goldstein explain the laws of thermodynamics for science buffs and neophytes alike. They begin with a lively presentation of the historical developme
15 x 22 x 2 cm³
Ciências Exatas
580 gramas
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*** este vendedor oferece frete grátis a partir de R$ 145,00 em livros
Sebo Chama de Uma Vela

São Paulo, SP

Entre em contato com o vendedor

Livreiro desde 8/5/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 145,00

7.153 livros cadastrados