Reversing Heart Disease and Preventing Diabetes (lacrado) de Kent R. Rieske pela Exalt Publishing (2011)

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Reversing Heart Disease and Preventing Diabetes (lacrado)

Kent R. Rieske
Exalt Publishing (2011, 1ª edição)

0982848544, 9780982848548
Stand up to heart disease and win like I did! Yes, I have proved that heart artery plaque can be removed. I have reversed my heart disease. My cardiologist performed an angiogram in 2009 and informed me that the two small areas of arterial plaque he saw in 2007 had been reduced to half the original size in only 25 months. The diet, supplement, and drug regimen I present in Chapter 4 lowered my LDL cholesterol level 100 points, which is necessary to reverse coronary artery disease. High HDL cholesterol is also necessary to reverse heart disease. This is one of the most important scientific facts for you to know in order to achieve optimal health. Without increasing HDL cholesterol, you cannot reverse heart disease. **** Livro novo, ainda lacrado ****
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** parcelamento no cartão de crédito com juros de 2,99% a.m.
*** este vendedor oferece frete grátis a partir de R$ 500,00 em livros

Porto Alegre, RS

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Livreiro desde 16/4/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 500,00

6.166 livros cadastrados